The "Aggression Indices" and Making Verbal Aggression Presentable

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Gabriella Dóra Borbás


I have introduced the term “aggression indices” to describe those linguistic phenomena which signal verbal aggression and which may even extend into abuse. Terms used to blame victims can inflict further injuries and can establish new abuser-abused relationships, for example, between witnesses and victims. It is quite fascinating that although all languages, including Hungarian, have the potential to create countless aggression indices, yet choose a certain subset of aggressive terms. Belittlement and extenuation operate though fixed linguistic panels. Aggression indices have a fundamental role in maintaining abusive social structures in that they excuse the perpetrators and deny or belittle the abuse. I shall argue that verbal aggression often cannot be exposed without identifying the aggression indices, especially in cases of denying deliberateness, which relativize acts of aggression.

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How to Cite
Borbás, Gabriella Dóra. 2021. “The ‘Aggression Indices’ and Making Verbal Aggression Presentable”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 11 (2):109-31.
Author Biography

Gabriella Dóra Borbás, Eötvös Loránd University



Borbás, Gabriella Dóra, who obtained her PhD in Linguistics in 2005, is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. She is member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She has been researching verbal aggression since 2010. Her investigations are based on her own corpus, containing more than 2400 hours of in-depth interviews and more than 1500 pages of case descriptions.