Wither identity?

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Erzsébet Barát


By Patricia MacCormac. Translated into Hungarian by Erzsébet Barát.

Article Details

How to Cite
Barát, Erzsébet. 2020. “Wither Identity?”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 10 (2):216-36. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/tntef/article/view/34176.
Author Biography

Erzsébet Barát, University of Szeged

Erzsébet Barát is an Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Szeged and Recurring Visiting Professor at CEU, PU since 2000. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from Lancaster University, UK. She is founding Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian e-journal, TNTeF: Interdisciplinary Electronic Journal of Gender Studies. Her research interests include feminist critical theory, relational models of identity, the relationship between language, power and ideology, hate speech, the intersection of feminist and queer theories, and lavender linguistics. She is a regular contributor to edited volumes and journals in English and Hungarian.

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