Szerződések vonzásában – jellemző-e a munkaszerződés a sportszektorban?


Gősi Zsuzsanna
Magyar Márton


In recent decades, both the labor market and the sports sector have undergone significant changes. Traditional forms of work have been replaced by more flexible options. The needs of both workers and employers have changed. Atypical forms of work have thus become increasingly common. The sports sector has become a driving sector of the economy and the number of people working in it is steadily increasing. The diversity of sports organizations and the specificity of sporting events are giving even more prominence to special forms of work. Fixed-term contracts are common thanks to the funding system. These are not only employment contracts but also contracts of assignment. Sports federations, sports associations and sports enterprises all use atypical forms. Specific forms were examined in the case of top league handball clubs through document analysis. The data reflected our preliminary assumptions that fixed-term contracts are dominant in the sector.


Hogyan kell idézni
Gősi, Zsuzsanna, és Márton Magyar. 2024. „Szerződések vonzásában – Jellemző-E a munkaszerződés a Sportszektorban?”. TAYLOR, május, 21-32.
XIII. évfolyam 1. szám 2021/1. szám No 40
Szerző életrajzok

Gősi Zsuzsanna, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Pedagógiai és Pszichológia Kar

habilitált egyetemi docens

Magyar Márton, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Pedagógiai és Pszichológia Kar

egyetemi adjunktus