A pedagógus életpályamodell mint az oktatás reformjának HR-eszköze = The teacher's career model in HR as a tool to reform education


Szilárd Horváth


Ever since coming into force, following the fall of communism in Hungary, the Act
LXXIX of 1993 on Public Education has been revised and amended several times, nevertheless,
these reforms have not shown any noticeable improvement in education. The governing
bodies and the requirements of the market have changed significantly and the education
system has largely been unable to keep up. Over the past years, not only have we
been unable to detect any signs that our public education has at the very least been sustained,
but it has indeed noticeably deteriorated. This fact is supported by the results
shown in the latest PISA surveys, which highlight that our education system has taken a
downturn not only compared to OECD member countries but also compared to its own
past performance. Time and again it has been pointed out that the main reason for this
phenomenon is that education in Hungary is under-financed. A number of earlier studies
have emphasised that the quality of education depends predominantly on the performance of the individual teachers and not on class size, number of lessons or on how well the classroom is equipped. The motivation of teachers is therefore vitally important, however, the previous wage schedule for public sector employees is inadequate for this purpose. One of the main objectives of the Act CXC of 2011 on Public Education is to implement a new career model and promotion system for teachers, which has fundamentally reformed HR in the area of pedagogy.


Hogyan kell idézni
Horváth, Szilárd. 2017. „A pedagógus életpályamodell Mint Az oktatás reformjának HR-eszköze = The teacher’s Career Model in HR As a Tool to Reform Education”. TAYLOR 9 (3-4):166-72. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13138.