The labour market situation of hungarian women in international comparison

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Katalin Szabó


In this study I examined the situation and changes of women’s participation in the labor market in Hungary in an international comparison. After the fall of communism drastic changes have taken place in the labor market: unemployment has increased, working time has increased, working conditions have changed, which resulted a significant declining proportion of employed women.
In the field of employment, we have moved from the first places to the last. In addition, since than we have not reached the economic activity rate of the developed countries.
Nowadays, gender inequalities have diminished but remain in many areas. Increasing of women’s economic activity is an important strategic goal for the future, which is also supported by the fact that the topic is accompanied by special attention.
In the study, I used and analyzed mainly the data of the Eurostat, which the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Eurostat offers a full range of important and interesting data in employment area.

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How to Cite
Szabó, Katalin. 2019. “The Labour Market Situation of Hungarian Women in International Comparison”. TAYLOR 10 (3):15-24.