Online üzleti modellek vizsgálata Magyarországon

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Roland Schmuck


Online operations are getting more and more important for all companies, but there are
companies with operations undividable from the internet. The research analyses these
online business models, in focus of their usage in Hungary based on a survey. 799 Hungarian
companies were asked about their operations. This paper shows the results of the
survey describing the spread of online business models in Hungary. The proportion of
online business models in all business models is unveiled. Companies are categorized into
different online business model groups based on the author’s previous researches. The
Hungarian results are compared with international results as well. The results show that
34.4% of companies state that their operations are undividable from the internet, but truly
online businesses count for only 0.4% of Hungarian companies.

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How to Cite
Schmuck, Roland. 2017. “Online üzleti Modellek vizsgálata Magyarországon”. TAYLOR 9 (2):197-202.