A közszolgálati vezetők szerepe az egyéni teljesítményértékelésben

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Gábor Szakács


The study briefly summerizes the development history of the introduction of individual performance assessment into Hungarian public service, and the significant international public management solutions having an effect on this human task. It is looking for an answer to the question if the applied assessment system or maybe the leader – being responsible for the procedure of the individual performance assessment – has a more significant effect and influence on the acceptence of the performance assessment, on enforcing the strategic goals, on the efficiency of the activity, on creating the consistency of the individual expectations and interests, and on improving the motivation, commitment and development of the stakeholders. The study – regarding certain fields – examines if there is an essential connection and interaction between the leading style, the management system, the dominant organizational culture and the individual performance assessment in public service.

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How to Cite
Szakács, Gábor. 2017. “A közszolgálati vezetők Szerepe Az egyéni teljesítményértékelésben”. TAYLOR 9 (2):145-51. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13111.