Szervezeti változások jellemzőinek empirikus vizsgálata

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Mária Ujhelyi


In my study I present one part of the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in 2014 with the involvement of third-year bachelor students in Business Administration and Management at University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The students visited organizations which went through significant changes over the past 5 years and invited their leaders or deputies responsible for managing change to answer questions. The organizations were located mainly at the middle-eastern part of Hungary and were at least medium-sized organizations. In this paper I present the results of one question block. This part of the questionnaire contains 16 opposing statement-pairs about the features of change, the way they were managed and about their successfulness. Respondents had to define on a 6-point Likert scale how much they agree with the statements. In my work I analyse the responses of 105 managers/HR managers from which it is possible to conclude the change management practice and success of the organizations in the sample. With factor analysis I disclosed the latent structure behind variables, which explained change processes.

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How to Cite
Ujhelyi, Mária. 2017. “Szervezeti változások jellemzőinek Empirikus vizsgálata”. TAYLOR 9 (2):82-89.