Munkaerő-piaci folyamatok az észak-alföldi régióban, humánerőforrás fejlesztés, mint a versenyképesség záloga

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Tünde Orsolya Nagy


In recent years, the competitive disadvantage of Northern Great Plain region is increasingly growing compared to the more developed regions of our country. Cause of the lag is extremely complex; the unfavourable infrastructural conditions can be regarded as one of the major causes, including, within that, the inappropriate quality of the available human resource has an outstanding importance. The unfavourable economic situation can also be detected through the labour market processes. Stopping the lagging process of the region and later setting the region on a developing course largely depend on the quality of human resource. The ability to amass and apply the knowledge, information and innovation has become the most important source of the competitive advantage. Those countries and regions could be beneficiary of the changed economic processes which possess the ability mentioned above. Aim of this treatise is to expound the labour market situation and ongoing processes being specific to the region and, after that, to designate a possible route of human resource development.

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How to Cite
Nagy, Tünde Orsolya. 2016. “Munkaerő-Piaci Folyamatok Az észak-alföldi régióban, humánerőforrás fejlesztés, Mint a versenyképesség záloga”. TAYLOR 8 (4):164-73.