Stratégiai lehetőségek az öttusa sportág versenyképességének fenntartására Magyarországon = Strategic choices for the sport pentathlon maintain the competitiveness in Hungary

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Tamás Madarász


The modem pentathlon has traditionally been one of Hungary's most successful
individual sport. In the last Olympic cycle race on the occasion of international
regulations, it emerged that the sport is out of scope in the Olympic. This proposal
has been argued that it is too costly in terms of media events is not spectacular, and
fewer and fewer number of operating the pentathlon, the athletes also confirmed.
In my research to entrepreneurs, case studies to introduce the current situation of the pentathlon sports marketing and sports sides approaching, as well as the rule changes, strategic decisions that were made to increase the competitiveness of the sport in order. In my study I discuss the factors determining the competitiveness of the sport, that sport stakeholders and service markets. My goal is to demonstrate that shed light on aspects of the Hungarian economy's right to exist in so many sports success boasting modem pentathlon sport survival as well.

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How to Cite
Madarász, Tamás. 2016. “Stratégiai lehetőségek Az öttusa sportág versenyképességének fenntartására Magyarországon = Strategic Choices for the Sport Pentathlon Maintain the Competitiveness in Hungary”. TAYLOR 8 (2):103-10.