A kommunikációs stílus szerepe az edzői munka hatékonyságában = The role of communication style in the efficiency of trainer profession

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Éva Judith Bartha


Trainer profession as such bears many similarities with other management
activities carried out in any other areas of life. Therefore, it is necessary to identify
how could be the managerial competencies of the trainers further improved - in
particular with regard to the communicative competences - so that the time and
energy spent on sport can be more effective. The most important objective of the
trainer profession - alike to other managerial professions - is to continuously
enhance performance. During the development of the trainer profession this kind
of comparison was mainly drawn with competitive sports (Chelladurai, Saleh
1980; Kanczler, Nagykáldi 2008). However, recently a growing recognition can be
observed concerning the trainers' activities working with recreational sportsmen within the fitness sector. The aim of this study is to describe and investigate the available Hungarian and international literature and to provide analytical interpretation relating to the communication styles and roles played by these styles in the effective managerial activities from the perspective of the efficiency of trainers working in the field of recreational sport more precisely of those working within the fitness sector.

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How to Cite
Bartha, Éva Judith. 2016. “A kommunikációs stílus Szerepe Az edzői Munka hatékonyságában = The Role of Communication Style in the Efficiency of Trainer Profession”. TAYLOR 8 (2):87-94. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13006.