Az irányítás négy "szintje" a rendszerpolitikai, rendszerstratégiai, rendszertaktikai irányítás és az operatív működés komplex viszonya = The complex relation of system-political, system-strategic, system-tactical controls and the operational funktion

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Éva Ziegler


The study seeks to help the choice of the tremendous number of models and
methods and to promote the perspicacity for the managers and leaders in the daily
practice and in the basics of the physics, cybernetics, system science and in the
most complex and most unmanageable concept group of them: in the control and in
the four, system-level dependig solutions of it. The management science treats the
concept of the control consistent with the similar concept of physics, automatics, cybnemetics. However, even scientists, cultivating the management science, do not treat the concepts in relationship with the control, like system of the levels, hierarchies, relationships, always consequent and consistent. The study would help in this systematization for the institutions and their managers. It shows, what are the same and different in the four solutions of the control: system-political, system-strategical, system-tactical and system-operational controls.

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How to Cite
Ziegler, Éva. 2016. “Az irányítás négy ‘szintje’ a Rendszerpolitikai, rendszerstratégiai, Rendszertaktikai irányítás és Az operatív működés Komplex Viszonya = The Complex Relation of System-Political, System-Strategic, System-Tactical Controls and the Operational Funktion”. TAYLOR 8 (1):135-42.