Paradigmaváltás - biztonság - emberi tényező = Paradigm shift - security - human factor

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András László Keszthelyi


Nowadays we experience a paradigm shift because of the computers and networking having become part of our everyday life. Most of the rules and procedures we have been accustomed to for centuries will never work in the future. This is why, for example, music downloading and in some cases even the seeding have been made legal in Hungary. The paradigm shift, caused by the digital technology, has a strong effect on the field of information security as well. Our age might be called as the age of cybercrime and cyber warfare if we look at the collection of security incidents in the past one and a half decade. In such a situation the role of the human factor becomes more and more important, including, but not limited to, teaching and learning.

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How to Cite
Keszthelyi, András László. 2015. “Paradigmaváltás - biztonság - Emberi tényező = Paradigm Shift - Security - Human Factor”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):406-12.