A jogi szabályozás ellentmondásosságának hatásai a magyarországi hulladékgazdálkodási politika implementációjára = Effects of the contradictions in leagal legislation to the implementation of the Hungarian waste management policy

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Ferenc Szabó


The new Hungarian Waste Act and the other legislation related to area of waste management entered into force on 01th of January 2013. The strategic goal of the new leagal regulation is to achieve the full compliance with the requirements of EU environmental standards. There were some discrepancies in the specific rules of the legislation, which have significantly reduced the effectiveness of the implementation of the policy. Considered by the implementation rechearch the internal contradictions of the policy regulation are clearly one of the most significant barriers to the successful implementation. Therefore, it could be important to examine more closely, how are these adverse effects on the field of the Hungarian waste management, as one of the priority areas of domestic environmental policy.

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How to Cite
Szabó, Ferenc. 2015. “A Jogi szabályozás ellentmondásosságának hatásai a magyarországi hulladékgazdálkodási Politika implementációjára = Effects of the Contradictions in Leagal Legislation to the Implementation of the Hungarian Waste Management Policy”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):355-64. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12931.