Érzelmi intelligencia mintázatok vizsgálata a közoktatási intézmények vezetőinél = Study of emotional intelligence patterns with heads of of public education institutions

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László Balázs


Studies analysing leadership study issues include models where leaders are categorised according to their emotional intelligence patterns (e.g., Goleman 1998 or Yoder 2003). In my study, I am going to present different approaches to this concept shortly, and to summarise its role in leadership study approaches. I also present patterns characterising heads of public education institutions, based on the results of an emotional intelligence study covering 26 public education institutions (Bar-On 2000). Besides determining the pattern of the leaders, a questionnaire examining the perception of organisational culture (Robbins 1993, Bakacsi 1996) also allows for exploring further relationships. Finally, I am trying to find relationships between EI patterns of leaders and the organisational culture.

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How to Cite
Balázs, László. 2015. “Érzelmi Intelligencia mintázatok vizsgálata a közoktatási intézmények vezetőinél = Study of Emotional Intelligence Patterns With Heads of of Public Education Institutions”. TAYLOR 7 (1-2):311-19. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12926.