Szervezeti reakciók a változások tükrében

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Éva Bácsné Bába


Today a rapid response to the changes by organizations do not always provide them competitive advantage, it is often only the key to survival. That is why, routine responses to the changes by the organization has become the basic expectation from the management. In my study I asked managers what were the major aspects in the change processes, which could be help or make more difficulties for them. According to respondents, the human factors, the communication and the information play main role in the changes. Today, in our digitized world life is virtualisated and accelerated, so it is normal, that the information, and the communication get increasing role. According to the interviewed leaders' opinion the motivation, the education, the training, the organization development are also important in managing change. Considered the most important market and technology changes demand constant needs for innovation, which can be satisfied by human resources, those which has up to date knowledge.

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How to Cite
Bácsné Bába, Éva. 2014. “Szervezeti reakciók a változások tükrében”. TAYLOR 6 (3-4):83-90.