A debreceni egyetemen végzett diplomások foglalkoztathatóságának vizsgálata

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Zsuzsanna Kiss


In this paper we would like to answer the question, how certain factors influence the employability of higher educated people, and what kind of effects they have on their satisfaction. Our hypothesis is the following: the graduates, who spent more time looking for a job, are more satisfied with their work, than their counterparts, who spent less time looking for a job. We examine the outcome of the regular career follow-up research executed by University of Debrecen. We conclude that the job search time affects negatively the job satisfaction. The graduates, who spend less time looking for a job and are more satisfied, who spend more time looking for a job, are less satisfied with their job.

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How to Cite
Kiss, Zsuzsanna. 2014. “A Debreceni Egyetemen végzett diplomások foglalkoztathatóságának vizsgálata”. TAYLOR 6 (1-2):279-89. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12816.