Creating and Analyzing Illustrations for the book Zuhanórepülés by Anikó Wéber

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Evelin Sipos


The central theme of my thesis was the analysis of illustrations created by children relation to their age. My research was conducted among sixth-grade students, covering the age group of 11-12-13 years. The students had to illustrate and draw an excerpt from Anikó Wéber’s Zuhanórepülés, which book is targeted specifically at their age group. They were allowed to use any technique of their choice for this task. I began by reading the very first page of the book to them. After which I randomly selected one or two students who, after the reading, were given the cover of the book. My hypothesis was that those provided with pictorial help would create very similar illustrations, but this did not materialize. By the end of my research, I came to the conclusion that the pupils’ drawings were characterized by accuracy, attention to detail, and emphasis on key elements. They create appropriate to their age. Some students showed exceptional talent, standing out in their age group.

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How to Cite
Sipos, E. (2023). Creating and Analyzing Illustrations for the book Zuhanórepülés by Anikó Wéber. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(4), 125–137.


Tihanyiné Vályi Zsuzsanna (2013): Amiről a gyermekrajzok beszélnek. JATE Press, Szeged.