Dienes logic blocks and its different variants

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Péter Kórus


Dienes logic blocks can be widely used among both preschool and school-age children, during many different types of playful sessions. The use of this 48-element, classic logic game gives you the opportunity to playfully develop children’s logical, thinking, concentration, visual, fine motor, and speaking skills. In my study, I present a 12-, 16-, and 18-element logic game created by students, as well as analyze related games, problems, and their solutions. The games presented follow the mathematical structure of Dienes logic blocks, so they can serve as a suitable basis for understanding and deepening the related examples and problems.

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How to Cite
Kórus, P. (2023). Dienes logic blocks and its different variants. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(4), 79–90. https://doi.org/10.14232/modszertani.2023.4.79-90


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