University painted with brush – A Tribute to the unwordliness and achievements of Mr. Kuno Klebelsberg

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Rita Pillerné Sonkodi


The majority of my publication is based on the Centennial celebration of Szeged University. I honour my alma mater with nearly fourty paintings. My not concealed instinct is to resuscitate the memory of the less known cultural minister, Mr. Kuno Klebelsberg. An artist does this with it’s own tools: paint brush, colours and thoughts. I immortalize emblematic buildings’ facades, portraits and objects of memorable university persons. Besides these themes I also collected the otustanding results of Kuno Klebelsberg’s life-work. Besides building Szeged’s cityscape buildings he did not forget to put down the foundation of rural education and school buildings – those compose an everlasting memory of him. The libraries, colleges, schools and clinics have been built on his initiation are still being used nowadays. His legendary workaholic personality and the burdens have been put on his shoulders led to an early farewell from this extraordinary politician. It is a shame, that his widow passed away in Szeged in extreme poverty. It may give a slight consolation that now both of them lie by next to each other in the charnel-house of the Szeged Cathedral.

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How to Cite
Pillerné Sonkodi, R. (2022). University painted with brush – A Tribute to the unwordliness and achievements of Mr. Kuno Klebelsberg. Módszertani Közlemények, 62(3), 172–184.


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SZTE Hírek 2021. november.