Focus on Pre- and Primary School Social Support Facts and Dilemmas

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Márta Piczil


The practice of social assistance in kindergartens and school was introduced in all public education institutions after September 1, 2018. The profession is not new in Hungary in the XX. century. Assistance within the institutional framework has already appeared in the first third of the twentieth century, but now it has become possible for professionals to contribute to solving problems through a permanent presence and a variety of forms of work. Within the framework of the present study, I review the history of school social work in Hungary, the models that have defined the operational framework for practicing the profession in recent decades, and present the characteristics, peculiarities and dilemmas of the new form introduced after 2018.

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How to Cite
Piczil, M. (2022). Focus on Pre- and Primary School Social Support: Facts and Dilemmas. Módszertani Közlemények, 62(1), 66–80. Retrieved from