Working conditions and health status of staff training educators at the University of Szeged

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Veronika Mátó
László Nagymajtényi
Edit Paulik


In our research we have considered it very important to reveal the work conditions of those working in training educators, and we have strived at learning about their health status also. Our sample came from three faculties of the University of Szeged: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education. Our results show, that the observed staff works under harmonic and suitable condi-tions, where they are properly esteemed in moral and professional terms, and where they can utilize their knowledge and skills. There are areas of their work where they would like to have some change so as to be able to preserve or even promote their health status. They feel their work mentally de-manding with permanent stress, extra work and short deadlines. Higher education workers are also unsatisfied with their financial appretiation, con-sidering the continuously growing expectations towards them. Workers try to acquire ex-tra sources of finance with extra work, however the quality of their work does not benefit from it.

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How to Cite
Mátó, V., Nagymajtényi, L., & Paulik, E. (2015). Working conditions and health status of staff training educators at the University of Szeged. Módszertani Közlemények, 55(4), 25–35. Retrieved from