„Ten little friends" Touch typing teaching for elementary school students-experimental program

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Katalin Huszárné Móricz


The Community of the Bolyai János Training Primary and Secondary School disposes of the expertise which makes it able to respond to both unique and changing situations. It is open to experimentation as well as leads the way in the acceptance of innovative practic­es and initiatives.It was the lack of a certain practical knowledge called digital literacy that prompted the idea to look for ways in order to prepare our students for a more efficient use of the computer and to enrich their digital competence. Therefore, in the 2011-12 academic year we formed a team as one of our innovative developments, whose task was to see how touch typing, as a supplement to traditional typing, could be introduced into the cur­riculum around fourth and fifth grade and to prepare the methodology for it to be taught at this age. Learning touch typing can contribute to developing the learning habits schools are supposed to form in a major way. Moreover, it can be used for learning or cultivating all fields of science by way of subject concentration. We can successfully complement dys­lexic or disgraphic student’s reading and writing course with this activity, as it helps the development of sound-letter recognition and matching in a different way. The program can be used to help support the renewal of education research, so that tlearning the touch typing tecnique should not only appear for its own sake in the curriculum- staying only on the acquisiton level - but it sholud contribute to the child’s learning process by its in­novative work form.We have made our idea into a conscious, thought-out plan and practice with the help of our experiences and opportunities. Our students enjoy learning touch typing and they use it effectively in the case of learning other subjects as well. They can see the essence of their efforts, the short and long-term goals of learning touch typing and they can experi­ence its usefulness day to day. Having seen its results, we believe the necessity of teach­ing touch-typing is justified and we hope that the program presented at the lecture will be regarded as an adaptable innovation by other schools, too.

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How to Cite
Huszárné Móricz, K. (2016). „Ten little friends": Touch typing teaching for elementary school students-experimental program. Módszertani Közlemények, 56(4), 15–23. Retrieved from https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/modszertani-kozlemenyek/article/view/35488