Educational effects on organic experience From prehistoric times to the renaissance era

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Emőke Cseh Gáborné Nagy


During centuries a new era has started in the history of imagery many times and thus in vision's, perception's history too. Eye interpreted works were always made by people, so the visual communication was a suitable mode of communication from the earliest times. However the reason and importance, which passes through historical times are different. There were eras when the magic of pictures or the theme or shaping were more important. People wanted to show and express something, but beyond these reasons the education role was an important factor. They wanted to impress other people somehow. Before the spread of literacy the information transferred by pictures could be the most important means of it. Even the cavemen used it, and it can be interesting to overview how people wanted to educate the rising generation in different eras, how they wanted to pass the important information, ideas and beliefs. In this case 1 am going to examine it till the Renaissance era.

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How to Cite
Cseh Gáborné Nagy, E. (2016). Educational effects on organic experience: From prehistoric times to the renaissance era. Módszertani Közlemények, 56(3), 11–19. Retrieved from