General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) Une jeunesse palestinienne politiquement engagée (1950-2008)

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Daha Chérif Ba


One of the historical reasons of the "Printemps Arabe" stems from the Palestinian Student struggling abroad for Democracy and Liberty during the 1950 years. At the beginning of the 1950 years, the Palestinian Youth were ready to organize and participate in movement of the liberation of their country. GUPS, gathering all of the Palestinian students of France, demonstrated, by its activism, its capacity in researching and claiming the truth. Obliged to readapt its strategies by the geopolitical realities the going on through Middle East, GUPS, showed again its aptitude to learn and to implement the judiciary arsenal produced by the United Nations Organization, in order to affirm clearly the rights of Palestinian People. Even in France, their land of exile, the Palestinian students kept mobilized and aware about the different positions adopted by French authorities.

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How to Cite
Ba, D. C. (2015). General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS): Une jeunesse palestinienne politiquement engagée (1950-2008). Mediterrán Tanulmányok, 24, 93–110. Retrieved from