The influence of a living tradition on current conditions in Baja

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Tamás Brachinger


I would like to describe a very interesting phenomenon in my study. The cult of fish juice in Baja has culturally integrated the local society for a long time, but at the same time it has become a politically disintegrating factor. „The Baja Fish Soup Cooking Festival” in Baja was created in 1996 in order to mark  the 300 anniversary of ists status as a city. The main architects of the event were local cultur euthusiasts and range of orther interested parties, including the mayor, local business people.  Its original name is „Halászlé Festival in the Capital of Halászlé”.  The event is repeated every year. Cooking the fish soup and related customs strongly determine the identification of the city's citizens, they are important symbols of belonging to the community, and an integrating force.  On the other hand, its role in tourism is significant and shows development. participation.



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How to Cite
Brachinger, T. (2024). The influence of a living tradition on current conditions in Baja. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(2), 101–119.