Displays and needleworks the importance of the subject of "Puppet making" in 21st century kindergarten teacher training

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Ágnes Kata Miklós


The sources of inspiration for students from generation Z in their search for educational and illustrative tools consists primarily in the social media (mainly Pinterest, Tik-Tok and Instagram), but these interfaces can only be used with appropriate critical reflection. The academic subject of "Puppet making" may seem outdated at first glance, but its opportunities of skill development are manifested in various areas: manual dexterity, development of patience, tolerance for failure and a sense of reality, all of wich are indispensable for kindergarten teachers.

The present study is based on experiences gained during the inclusion of the subject in the curriculum.

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How to Cite
Miklós, Ágnes K. (2024). Displays and needleworks: the importance of the subject of "Puppet making" in 21st century kindergarten teacher training. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 4(2), 137–147. https://doi.org/10.14232/kapocs.2024.2.137-147
Good Practice