Examining the Range of Hungarian Companies That Have Switched to IFRS

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Alexandra Szekeres
Ildikó Orbán
Gergő Tömöri


During the research work, we divided the investigated population into two groups, for which we chose three grouping criteria closely related to assets, asset structure, and utilisation indicators calculated from the data of the annual reports prepared according to Hungarian accounting rules. The primary consideration for the selection was to use grouping criteria that are closely related to the development of the company's results and, in addition, properly characterise the companies' activities. The fixed asset ratio refers to the secondary activities of the companies, as it also includes assets referring to long-term investment activities. The use of the Inventory to Total Assets Ratio was justified by the fact that, among current assets, inventories best characterize the main activity of a company, which is why the ratio of inventories can be considered an activity-specific factor. In addition, we decided to use the Asset turnover indicator, because on the one hand, this indicator expresses how efficient the utilisation of assets is, the income-generating ability of the company's assets, and income is one of the key factors in the formation of the result.


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How to Cite
Szekeres, Alexandra, Ildikó Orbán, and Gergő Tömöri. 2024. “Examining the Range of Hungarian Companies That Have Switched to IFRS”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 19 (1-2):69-81. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2024.1-2.69-81.
Economic and financial analysis


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