Freedom or Rather Cage?

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Valéria Nagy
Tibor Jánvári


In recent years, the use of ICT (InfoCommunication Technology) and related IT (mobile) devices have become almost indispensable in our daily lives. This is a fact, whether it is about studying, working or even leisure activities. In many cases, the use of one's own IT (mobile) devices, which are also suitable for data storage – hereinafter "only" devices – for work purposes cannot be avoided, and employers may even consider it self-evident that their employees use their own infrastructure to perform their work without compensation. The topic of this paper is therefore indirectly related to the framework conditions and rules of employment due to general data protection. Before a brief explanation of the topic, it must be said that the flow of thought expressed in relation to the risk implied in the title of the paper is naturally not intended to fully explore the professionally relevant essence and to solve possible problems or to resolve conflicts. But rather to contextualize the topic provides an opportunity to further think about its interpretation. Namely, what kinds of opportunities and conflicts can be created by certain aspects of the use of IT (mobile) devices that are also suitable for data storage?


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How to Cite
Nagy, Valéria, and Tibor Jánvári. 2024. “Freedom or Rather Cage?”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (3-4):21-29.
Digitalization, IT tools and statistical applications
Author Biography

Valéria Nagy, University of Szeged Faculty of Engineering

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