An Empirical Analysis of Value Creation by Firms in the Context of Crises

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Anita Kiss
Éva Darabos
Mártha Bernadett Béresné


The main objective of the study is to answer the following questions: what are the factors that influence firms' value creation and how is the power of these factors evolving in the aftermath of the 2019 COVID crisis. In our research, we conducted a panel regression model to test the validity of the hypothesis using the available database. The structure of the paper is as follows. First, the determinants of firm value are identified based on the major literatures reviewed. The next section describes the characteristics, causes and major episodes of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the COVID-19 crisis. It then moves on to the empirical part, in which it first presents previously published empirical research related to the topic and its results, and then describes the database used for its own empirical study. After describing the panel regression model and the methodology used, it presents the empirical studies carried out and their results, and finally draws conclusions.


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How to Cite
Anita, Kiss, Éva Darabos, and Bernadett Béresné Mártha. 2023. “An Empirical Analysis of Value Creation by Firms in the Context of Crises”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (1-2):73-82.
Competitiveness and sustainable value creation
Author Biographies

Anita Kiss, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi adjunktus

Éva Darabos, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi docens

Mártha Bernadett Béresné, University of Debrecen

PhD, egyetemi adjunktus


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