Development of Excel VBA Form for Chi-square Test

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György Hampel


The chi-square test should be used to test the hypothesis about the variance of a normally distributed population. The implementation of this is made simple and clear by the application created with the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications service, the development of which is presented. A single form ensures the entry of data and the display of results with the controls placed on the form. The program was created using an event-driven programming technique, so it reacts to events that occur during use in a user-friendly way. The program is easy to use even without knowledge of mathematical statistics. The hypothesis to be tested can be selected from a list in which all possible variants are available. To enter the data, it is possible to choose whether to enter the entire data set of the statistical sample or only those characteristics of the sample that are necessary for the evaluation. The results are easy to interpret, in addition to the calculated results, the answer to the hypothesis to be tested is also displayed as a full-sentence answer.


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How to Cite
Hampel, György. 2022. “Development of Excel VBA Form for Chi-Square Test”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 17 (3-4):75-82.
Information technology and statistics


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