Design and Testing of a Soft Gripper That can be Fitted to a Collaborative Robot Arm

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Attila Mészáros
Margaréta Vajda
Ádám Bálint
József Sárosi


With the appearance of collaborative robots, the demand has increased for grippers with special properties that are able to perform certain tasks together with the operator in the robot's workspace without endangering human health. These processes require the performance of delicate operations similar to the movement of human limbs. For these tasks, the soft grippers can be suitable solutions. There is great potential in soft-designed robot grippers, as they are able to offer modern solutions to industrial problems that have so far proved unsolvable or only difficult to implement. The study presents a gripper built from soft elements, and after attached to a collaborative robot, it can perform laboratory work, more precisely moving Petri dishes of different sizes. After the presentation of the design process and the determination of the geometric parameters, the methods and materials used for the construction are described. The study deals in detail with the process and summation of the measurements performed separately with the gripper components and on the assembled gripper. Finally, the results of the performed measurements and functional and usability tests are presented.


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How to Cite
Mészáros, Attila, Margaréta Vajda, Ádám Bálint, and József Sárosi. 2023. “Design and Testing of a Soft Gripper That Can Be Fitted to a Collaborative Robot Arm”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):323-34.
Author Biographies

Attila Mészáros, SZTE MK

egyetemi tanársegéd

Margaréta Vajda, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

mechatronikai mérnök MSc-hallgató

Ádám Bálint, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

intézeti mérnök

József Sárosi, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mérnöki Kar, Mechatronikai és Automatizálási Intézet (Szeged)

egyetemi tanár, stratégiai és fejlesztési dékánhelyettes


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