Effects of Urea, Green Max and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Fertilisers on Sunflower Yield and Oil Content

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Béla Szabó
Judit Csabai
Edit Kosztyuné Krajnyák
Katalin Irinyiné Oláh
Miklós Szabó
Csaba Varga
Richárd Hoffmann


Oil sunflowers are the third largest arable crop in our country. As yields continue to increase, optimal nutrient supply, including optimal nitrogen supply, is becoming increasingly important. We have investigated the effects of different forms of nitrogen and their application timing (at the same active ingredient levels) on crop yield and oil content. Our experiments were conducted at the University of Nyíregyháza, Nyírtelek Ferenc farm in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The above mentioned fertilizers were applied in the years under study at a rate of 80 kg/ha, using single and split treatments. The size of the experimental area was 0.75 ha per treatment, of which 4 plots of 1200 m2 were designated. The harvested yields were measured separately and averaged. Oil content was measured by taking one sample per treatment. The three years gave different results. The results for 2022 are difficult to evaluate due to the extreme drought. No clear trends could be established for 2020 and 2021. With split treatments, higher yields were measured in 2020, but this was not confirmed by the results of 2021. In terms of oil content, the split treatments generally produced better results, but the difference was not statistically detectable.


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How to Cite
Szabó, Béla, Judit Csabai, Edit Kosztyuné Krajnyák, Katalin Irinyiné Oláh, Miklós Szabó, Csaba Varga, and Richárd Hoffmann. 2023. “Effects of Urea, Green Max and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Fertilisers on Sunflower Yield and Oil Content”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (Különszám):467-74. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2023.kulonszam.467-474.
Author Biographies

Béla Szabó, Nyíregyházi Egyetem

főiskolai tanár

Judit Csabai, Nyíregyházi Egyetem Műszaki és Agrártudományi Intézet (Nyíregyháza)

főiskolai docens

Edit Kosztyuné Krajnyák , Nyíregyházi Egyetem Műszaki és Agrártudományi Intézet (Nyíregyháza)

főiskolai tanársegéd

Katalin Irinyiné Oláh, Nyíregyházi Egyetem Műszaki és Agrártudományi Intézet (Nyíregyháza)

főiskolai docens

Miklós Szabó, Vetőmag és Szárító Kft. (Tímár)

növénytermesztési ágazatvezető

Csaba Varga, Nitrogénművek ZRt. (Pétfürdő)

szaktanácsadó és fejlesztési főmunkatárs

Richárd Hoffmann, MATE Növénytermesztés-tudományi Intézet (Kaposvár)

egyetemi docens


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