Industrial Application of Collaborative Robots – An Overview

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Dávid Kóczi
József Sárosi


There is a demand to collaborate between the human and robot, from the appearance of the first industrial robots. This collaboration has a lot of physical, legal, and standards aspects. This paper describes the proportion of collaborative robotic arms used in the industry, moreover it presents the forms of this type of human-machine relationship. Examination of the regulations to be followed is presented for the safe, standard design and operation of a collaborative robot, based on “ISO / TS 15066 Robots and Robotics. Collaborative robots." technical specification. After that, various solutions and case studies are presented through application examples. Finally, the possible directions for human-robot collaboration will be assessed, taking into account the evolving "Machinery Directive - 2006/42/EC".


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How to Cite
Kóczi, Dávid, and József Sárosi. 2022. “Industrial Application of Collaborative Robots – An Overview”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 17 (1-2):145-52.
Natural science and robotics