About Difficulties of the Progress Level III in the Current Hungarian Healthcare in the Mirror of Some Logistic Connections

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Tímea Kiss
József Gál


Nowadays there are a lot of articles and books based on the problems of Hungarian health care. For example, the most important topics are the doctor’s and the medical staff’s migration and working abroad, and the financial difficulties. Because of these, a lot of work falls on people who stay in the country and work here. They have never-ending working hours besides the feeling of unappreciation (nor with money, nor humanly), and hopelessness. It is a fact, that suicide is frequent amongst doctors and health care providers. On the other hand, patients have to wait a lot in crowded waiting rooms, and face long waiting lists, so their despair and frustration is understandable as well.
These problems, whether real or perceived, need to be addressed.


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How to Cite
Kiss, Tímea, and József Gál. 2020. “About Difficulties of the Progress Level III in the Current Hungarian Healthcare in the Mirror of Some Logistic Connections”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 15 (1-2):149-55. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2020.1-2.149-155.
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