Updating the Construction of Market Orientation with Holistic Marketing Conception

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Bence Kovács
Zoltán Szakály


Market orientation researches have got a nearly 30-year-old history. The main objective of these researches is to explore how the market as a coordination mechanism and the organisation as an independent entity are connected. The most widely accepted approaches (behavioural and cultural) of market orientation derive from the marketing conception, and as a central element they identify that how the organisation tries to adopt the marketing conception during its operation. The theoretical researches usually try to update the conception of market orientation with the combination of the previously mentioned approaches. In this literary review we try to match the most modern approach of marketing conception, the so-called holistic marketing conception, to the construction of market orientation. In other words, the aim of this study is partly, to introduce the literature connected to market orientation, and partly, to update the conception of market orientation with the holistic marketing conception. At the end of the study a description about the holistic market orientation including 21 statements is presented, which is separated into the four dimensions of holistic marketing. They are as follows: Internal Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Performance Marketing.


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How to Cite
Kovács, Bence, and Zoltán Szakály. 2020. “Updating the Construction of Market Orientation With Holistic Marketing Conception”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 15 (1-2):11-21. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2020.1-2.11-21.
Consumer habits and market orientation