Szántóföldi növénytermesztési ágazatok versenyeztetése lineáris programozási modellel a közvetlen támogatások figyelembevétele mellett

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Dávid Nagy
Margit Csipkés


Competition in crop production sectors is playing an important role nowadays, as it is expedient to deal with different production structures in different areas. In this paper, we have optimized the sowing structure of arable crops (simultaneously the optimization of income) by means of linear programming modelling. This method allows us to define an optimum sowing structure that meets the requirements for greening and we can maximize the support options. Our goal was to create a production structure where the farmer can achieve the highest income with the production structure.
In our research, we aimed to maximize income while targeting the competitiveness of green peas as a specific objective, taking into account the support for the production of industrial green vegetable crops. We did a separate study on how the effect of subsidies on income is. A second specific objective was to determine the boundaries of the economy of land rent (with available capital and land rent fee) under the given conditions.


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How to Cite
Nagy, Dávid, and Margit Csipkés. 2018. “Szántóföldi növénytermesztési ágazatok versenyeztetése lineáris programozási Modellel a közvetlen támogatások figyelembevétele Mellett”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 13 (3-4):21-32.
Agrárgazdaság, vidékgazdaság