magyar mezőgazdaság teljesítménye 2004-2017 között

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József Popp
János Szenderák
Dániel Fróna
János Felföldi
Judit Oláh
Mónika Harangi-Rákos


In Hungary, the role of the agricultural sector in the national economy has not changed
since the country’s accession to the EU; between 2004 and 2017 the share of agriculture in GDP varied between 3.0 and 4.1%. The driving force within the agricultural sector is crop production, so performance is largely determined by the annual output of the crop production sector and the varying prices of crops. The investment of the sector is adjusted to the financial support options available and therefore follows its cyclical nature. Agricultural investments accounted for 4.7% of total investment in the country in 2000, and reached a maximum of 6% in 2014; since then, however, investment as an activity has become less attractive. In 2016, agricultural output approached 2,600 billion forints, while the gross added value of the difference between output and current consumption was 1 100 billion forints. Paid labour costs have been rising for many years, although the total amount of labour employed is decreasing. The source of income includes – besides the gross added value at producer prices – coupled support for crop production, coupled support for livestock and animal products and other subsidies for production, reduced by production taxes. The income of production factors (land used, capital, and labour) has changed in recent years, mainly as a result of crop yields and producer prices, which has also determined changes in entrepreneurial income. By contrast, the costs on the user side (labour, rent and interest) and the amount depreciated have fluctuated to a lesser extent. In Hungary, after accession to the EU, the proportion of subsidies in the income of agricultural farms increased. Weather-dependent fluctuations in output also have a significant impact on income trends.
In good yield years, the role of subsidies in total income decreases. In 2016 this proportion was 73%, but in years with lower yields, the proportion of subsidies in farms’ income was higher.


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How to Cite
Popp, József, János Szenderák, Dániel Fróna, János Felföldi, Judit Oláh, and Mónika Harangi-Rákos. 2019. “Magyar mezőgazdaság teljesítménye 2004-2017 között”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 13 (3-4):9-20.
Agrárgazdaság, vidékgazdaság