A multifunkcionális halgazdaságok szerepe és jelentősége

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Emese Bozánné Békefi
Gergő Gyalog
László Váradi


Pond fish farms, which are a part of the rural economy, besides producing fish function as valuable aquatic habitat, contribute to the maintenance and enrichment of the quality of the ecosystem, play an important role in water and landscape management, provide services for various recreational activities, and contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage. The experiences with the operation of multifunctional fish farms clearly showed that the diversification of activities is a promising alternative during the development of sustainable pond fish farming in Hungary. There is a need however for better understanding of the specificities of multifunctional pond fish farming and the inter-linkages between various functions which requires well-defined research programs. Multifunctional pond fish farms can contribute significantly to the improvement of rural livelihood and the maintenance and enhancement of biodiversification if the social and environmental benefits of multifunctional pond fish farms are well acknowledged and supported.


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Bozánné Békefi, Emese, Gergő Gyalog, and László Váradi. 2017. “A multifunkcionális halgazdaságok Szerepe és jelentősége”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 12 (1-2):121-25. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2017.1-2.121-125.