A repcepogácsa felhasználásának lehetősége a sertéstakarmányozásban

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Richárd Márkus
Imre Tell
Tamás Tóth
Szabolcs Troján


Pig- or pork meat is still keeping its leading role in meat production- and consumption -ahead of poultry - its main rival - which has made a huge development during the past decades. The pig sector has to face huge difficulties almost continuously, anyway periodi-cally - in the EU and in Hungary, as well. The EU has included pork in a category called „light market regulation product paths", hence the development of production/consumption is exposed mostly to the extremities of markets. Because of this, a strong fluctuation in buy-up prices has also been observable up to now, according to the well-known cyclicism in the pig sector, as well as a consequence of the various pig illnesses, changes in con-sumer habits, and so on. Due to the lack of market regulations, an absurd fenomena oc-cures very often, notably: parallel to the decreasing slaughter hog procurement prices -that of forage increase. Consequently, farms have to try to minimise (or being more pre-cise) to optimise costs for the sake of their sustainability, and keeping up competitiveness. Concerning the cost-structure of animal farming, no doubt that costs of forages are deter-minant, especially in case of pig farming it can reach as much as 60-70 percent of the total. Consequently, beside applying „novel" forages, increasing effectiveness of the so-called „traditional ones" is also badly needed.


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How to Cite
Márkus, Richárd, Imre Tell, Tamás Tóth, and Szabolcs Troján. 2009. “A repcepogácsa felhasználásának lehetősége a sertéstakarmányozásban”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 4 (3-4):16-20. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2009.3-4.16-20.
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