A magyar egyetem-irányítás reformkísérlete 2002-2006

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Gabriella Keczer


After the change of the political system in 1990, the management system of Hungarian universities was settled by the 1993 law of Higher Education. But the necessity of a new reform was suggested right at the beginning. Finally it was initiated by the liberal educational government in 2002. Experts suggested the introduction of the aglo-saxon model of university governance with the board-system, and this concept was int he core of a new bill. But during the social debate of the bill, the oroginal concept was significantly softened. But even the softened version failed at Constitutional Court.
In my paper I summarize the process of the reform, and evaluate it ont he basis of the outcomes of 10 interviews conducted with rectors and deans of Hungarian universities. Finally I give some suggestions to be taken into considetarion when initiating another reform of university management.


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How to Cite
Keczer, Gabriella. 2007. “A Magyar Egyetem-irányítás reformkísérlete: 2002-2006”. Current Social and Economic Processes / Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 2 (1):27-37. https://doi.org/10.14232/jtgf.2007.1.27-37.