Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok [Current social and economic processes] (ISSN 1788-7593 [Print], ISSN 2676-9867 [Online]) is a social science journal of the Department of Engineering Management and Economics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Szeged. The journal is a forum for researches on various aspects of the functioning of society and economy. Thus, the journal addresses a wide range of topics in order to provide an opportunity to present the results of societal and economic researches in a broader context.

Our journal is classified by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IX Department of Economic and Legal Sciences), which is referred to as a scientific journal by the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT). The journal is published two to four times a year. Studies published in the journal are peer-reviewed and recommended for publication by two independent experts. Manuscripts are invited continuously throughout the year.