Mit tanulhat Magyarország a finn oktatási rendszer példájából?

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Helga Pencz


The examination of the success and effectiveness of different education systems has a long tradition. It has been an established fact for decades that a successful education system has a major effect on the economic growth and
productivity of the affected country. The PISA assessment of OECD offers comparable quantified data of the performance of students of countries that take part in the program. The assessment has been performed since 2000, and from the results it is evident that some countries give a persistent and consistent outstanding performance for the competencies measured. Finland is an excellent
example, a country which came in international spotlight after the first PISA assessment, with students achieving to be in the top 5 place in all areas, as well as performing outstanding in the tests of the consequent years. For this very reason, the root cause and background of the success of their education system has long been studied. This paper concentrates on the structure and characteristics of the education system of the country. It gives an overview of the structure and features of the education system. The analysis offers numerous conclusions that may also be used in Hungary.

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Geostratégiai Kutatások Rovat