The Elite Supporters of the Hungarian Rule in 13th–Century Halych


Márta Font


The Hungarian kings of the late 12th and early 13th centuries made several efforts to extend their rule over the Principality of Halych. The Halych–Volhynian Chronicle contains numerous descriptions on the Hungarian campaigns, including the names of the participants. Concurrently, the number of diplomas of the Hungarian king which mentions persons who participated in the campaigns against Halych increased significantly. The collection of the individuals from both sources has been listed. The rapid development of recent genealogical studies in Hungarian historiography provide an opportunity to review and revise the highest echelon of Hungarian and Halychian personnel supporting the Hungarian rule in 13th-century Halych.


Hogyan kell idézni
Font, Márta. 2019. „The Elite Supporters of the Hungarian Rule in 13th–Century Halych”. Chronica 18 (május):76-92.
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