Reconsidering the Chinggisids’ Sons-in-Laws: Lessons from the United Empire

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Ishayahu Landa


This paper discusses an important aspect of the Chinggisid matrimonial relations during the United Empire period (1206–1259), namely the phenomenon of the “sons-in-law” (güregens/küregens) of the Golden lineage. The paper provides an overall analysis of all the matrimonial ties with different tribal, ethnic, and political entities from the Mongolian plateau to the Caucasus and suggests that we consider the establishment of such ties as a thought through strategic policy. The güregens of the Golden lineage will, therefore, be analysed as one of the institutions of the Mongol power hierarchy, highlighting its rather unique position vis-a-vis the other power groups in the Mongol political architecture, such as nökers and keshig.

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How to Cite
Landa, Ishayahu. 2019. “Reconsidering the Chinggisids’ Sons-in-Laws: Lessons from the United Empire”. Chronica 18 (May):212-25.