Szempontok a De mulieribus claris elemzéséhez
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Boccaccio had proved by his vernacular and Latin prosaic works as well that he merited a place among the three crowns of Italian literature. By De mulieribus claris he created the first collection of women’s biographies in the Western European literature, which work testifies such a complexity worth for analysing. This paper presents the various aspects I needed to apply during the analysis of the common goddesses of Genealogia and De mulieribus – e. g. the problem of the readers, the utilized literary sources, the narrative techniques and even the tradition called Euhemerism – to understand De mulieribus itself and due to these points of view to identify the answers that Boccaccio gave to the challenges of the Medieval and Renaissance interpretational traditions.
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Hogyan kell idézni
Molnár, A. (2019). Szempontok a De mulieribus claris elemzéséhez. Antikvitás & Reneszánsz, 1(3), 63–78.
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