The relationship of Mater Matuta and Aurora

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Anna Janovics


The Matralia – an event attended only by women to worship Mater Matuta or Mother Matuta – was held every year. The celebration was bound to begin in the morning at the first sight of prima lux – probably this is why Mother Matuta is often identified with several goddesses whose origins and mythology are tied to the celestial sphere. One of these figures known to the Romans was Aurora, the goddess of dawn. In various scriptures, these two female figures are mentioned together with their identities intertwined. In our study, we would like to further explore the above mentioned points of connection.

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How to Cite
Janovics, A. (2022). The relationship of Mater Matuta and Aurora. Antikvitás & Reneszánsz, (10), 67–76.
Author Biography

Anna Janovics

az SZTE Klasszika-Filológia és Neolatin Tanszék MA képzésén végzett, klasszikus latin szakirányon. Szakdolgozati témája volt a Hajnal mint istenalak a római és görög kultúrában, jelenleg Mater Matuta és a római Aurora közötti kapcsolatot kutatja. PhD-tanulmányaira készül római vallástörténetből.