Book Review of Alison Phipps' Me, Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism

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Hana Lina Dalel Berraf


Me, Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism
Alison Phipps
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020
205 pages
ISBN 978 1 5261 4717 2


Article Details

How to Cite
Berraf, Hana Lina Dalel. 2022. “Book Review of Alison Phipps’ Me, Not You: The Trouble With Mainstream Feminism”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 18 (1).
Author Biography

Hana Lina Dalel Berraf, University of Szeged

BERRAF Hana Lina Dalel is a PhD student at the University of Szeged’s Doctoral School of Literary Studies. Her current research focuses on Hollywood’s representation of the Me Too movement and the interdependent relation between the two. Prior to that, she worked as an Adjunct Professor of Media Studies at the University of Algiers II from which she graduated with a Master’s Degree in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Her areas of interest also extend to modernism, post-modernism, feminist and post-modernist literary criticism as well as western philosophy, photography, media studies, memory studies and gothic literature. Email: