"Egyike is kétség" : az irodalmi Ábrahám-koplexumról

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László Szilasi


In the history of European and Hungarian literature, the rhetorical changes of post-Enlightenment poetry are mainly emploled using the narrative patterns - anxiety of influence and Oedipus-complex - elaborated and studied by Harold Bloom. Howewer, even Bloom claims that these narrative patterns cannot be applied to the imitation-centered poetry preceding the Enlightenment. The essay - following Kierkegaard and Derrida - continues Ötvös Peter's interpretation of the poem by Zrínyi Miklós, the Cím nélküli vers, and argues that the most organic and useful models for the narratives of literary history on the rhetorical changes of the imitation-centered poetry prior to the Enlightenment may actually be the patterns of the Abraham-complex.

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How to Cite
Szilasi, L. (2006). "Egyike is kétség" : az irodalmi Ábrahám-koplexumról. Acta Historiae Litterarum Hungaricarum, 29, 239–250. Retrieved from https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/ahlithun/article/view/22661