A nádori generális congregatio intézményének előképe és kialakulása

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Tibor Szőcs


This study discusses the origins and characteristics of the 'generál assembly' (generális congregatio), which can be regarded as the classical palatinal judicial fórum outside the seat of the palatine from the XIVth century on. The institution came into existence in the XIIIth century, the first palatinal assembly was convoked by Dénes from the Péc kindred in 1273. According to the generál characteristic of the palatinal assembly, the palatine judged in a concreté county the local malefactors with the Tocal lord' (Latin: comes, Hungárián: ispán) of the county, the administrative officers of the noble county (Latin: iudex nobilium, Hungárián: szolgabíró, i.e. 'judge of servitors'), the twelve assessors and the nobility of the county. Concerning the origins, I presume a model, which differs from the previous ones. According to my assumption, the roots of this institution do not go back to the beginning of the XIII01 century, as it is often can be read in scholarly literature. In my opinion the antitype of the palatinal assemblies and the ones convoked by the bans, is to be found in the royal assemblies which had the same name. In the early 1270s the palatine, the ban of Slavonia (and later the voivode of Transylvania) were only temporarily assigned to supervise these royal assemblies. Laws ratified this situation only in 1290. Thus, although in theory, the palatines convoked generál assemblies since 1273 on a temporary hasis (otherwise only in exceptional cases), the palatinal generális congregatio that was held on the palatine's own right, emerged only after 1290.

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How to Cite
Szőcs, Tibor. 2013. “A nádori generális Congregatio intézményének előképe és kialakulása”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 135 (January):45-58. https://iskolakultura.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10562.